등록일 2023.02.02
8 projects approved for the 2nd BKCF projects
With the 2nd BKCF, support will be given to the home-use solar power generation system construction project in Surigao Island, Mindanao. (Source: BIMP-EAGA)
The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the depository of the BIMP-EAGA and Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund (BKCF), opened up for 2nd BKCF proposal call from August 3rd to September 2nd, 2022.
A total of 62 project proposals were submitted for the call, and 8 proposals were selected at the BIMP-EAGA and ROK Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) held in December 2022. The start date for the selected projects is yet to be announced. The eight project proposals selected in the 2nd BKCF project call are as follows.
Table 1. The Eight Project Proposals Selected in the 2nd BKCF Project Competition
Three project proposals were approved for the Philippines, two for Malaysia, and two for Indonesia, and one project is multi-country project covering the whole area of BIMP-EAGA.
Looking at the approved projects by country, the three project proposals for the Philippines include ‘Mainstream Energy Efficiency in MSME builidings’, ‘Creating Livelihood Options through Agroenterprise Development towards the Reinvention of the Butig’, and ‘Off-grid Solar Home Systems Deployment in Disaster Vulnerable Low-income Communities’.
Meanwhile, the two project proposals for Malaysia are ‘Waterworks Improvement Project of rural areas in Sabah’ and ‘Promoting Low Carbon Schools project’. As for Indonesia, the approved project proposal is ‘Strengthening social forestry in supporting sustainable and low-emission landscape management’ and 'Increasing resilience of small scale fisheries to climate change impact'.
· BIMP-EAGA, 2023. Eight Projects Selected for Korean Funding.
(as of 2023.01.13. https://bimp-eaga.asia/article/eight-projects-selected-korean-funding)
· GGGI, 2023. https://gggi.org/global-program/bkcf/